Monday, May 08, 2006

Tour de Cure

Hello Everyone.

Looks like the second season is off to a slow start. I hope I get to see more faces next Saturday, that would be great. There is an event worth mentioning which is coming up on June 11, 2006. Its called the Tour de Cure. You can read a little bit about the Tour de Cure at this address.

This coming saturday, although the regular scheduled practice is still on, I and several others will be going to the Island Lake Recreation Area where the Tour de Cure will take place. We will be scoping out the 7 mile road course and the 8 mile mountain bike course. These are two of the shortest routes that are available, but if you feel like you can take on some of the other courses, the go up to 70 miles. Its all defined right here.

I will be creating a team on this website, and I would love for you all to join my team. Secondly, I will try to see if my company will donate any funds to this cause, so that we can do our part and maybe get some free t-shirts out of the deal :) The name of the team will be BBC, which stands for Brentwood Bicycle Club. If you aren't interested in riding, perhaps a small donation to the cause would better suit you. Just a heads up, it turns out that in order to do this event the registration is $20.00.

This is the link to join the BBC in this cool event, or to sponsor:
"Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight." -Lance Armstrong


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